Feature Analysis

Feature Analysis Templates

Feature-oriented dashboards help analyze model features, enable quick issue detection, and highlight opportunities for model improvements and retraining.

Top Features

View any model's features over time for any environment

Key Widgets: Top features contributing to a model, distribution view of each feature, conditional analysis via slices/filters

Feature Analysis

A granular view of feature distribution over time

Key Widgets: Distribution view of feature, day-over-day view of feature value, slice/filters based on input values

Feature Slices Performance

Analyze the various facets of single feature

Key Widgets: Numeric/categorical feature bins, tailored bins/slices based on the distribution, performance-over-time of bins based on an evaluation metric

Feature Performance Heat Map

Visualize feature slices and color-coordinates based on performance

Key Widgets: Overlay performance information on features, volume and performance overlaid on slices of features

Create A Feature Analysis Dashboard

Step 1: Select Feature Analysis Template

Step 2: Specify Fields

Step 3: Use dashboard, modify widgets, and share with your team!

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