Private Image Link Access Via AWS S3

Enable AWS bucket access permissions to view private images in Arize

If your S3 images are encrypted using the AWS managed KMS encryption key, please reach out to for more assistance.

Add private S3 image URLs or URIs in the link_to_data_column_name (Python Pandas) or link_to_data (Python Single Record or any Data Connector in the UI).

Once you upload to Arize, navigate to the 'Embeddings' tab to enable bucket access in S3. Click 'View Bucket Policy' to uncover bucket access information.

Note: Link to data currently only supports links to image files. Learn more about ingesting image data on the Computer Vision model type page.

Image Classification

Step 2. AWS Bucket Access Permissions

Tag your bucket with the key arize-integration-key, the provided tag value, and AWS Policy.

Add Proof Of Ownership: Bucket Tag

In Arize: Copy the arize-integration-key value

In AWS Console: Navigate to your S3 bucket -> Properties -> Edit Bucket Tags

In AWS Console: Set tag Key = arize-integration-key and Value as the value copied from the Arize UI

Enable Bucket Access: AWS Policy

In Arize UI: Copy the AWS policy from the Arize UI

In the AWS console: Navigate to your S3 bucket -> Permission -> Edit Bucket Policy

In the AWS console: Paste AWS policy from Arize UI and edit the bucket name in the resource field

Step 3. Configure Encryption Key Access

S3 objects can be encrypted in several different ways:

Step 4. Reload Page!

Reload the Arize UI to load your image data!

Last updated

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