
Integrate with the VertexAI API to get access to Google PaLM 2 models

Add your Google Cloud Platform ProjectID and location to begin using the VertexAI API.

Note: By adding this integration, your data may be sent to Google for certain actions within Arize (e.g., prompt playground) and your account may be billed for usage.

Select Google VertexAI Integration

Fill in your Details

Add the GCP ProjectID of the project you have the VertexAI API Enabled in:

Create a Custom IAM Role

Copy the following IAM role gcloud command to run in your GCP console:

Run the command in the GCP console:

Assign the Custom Role to the Arize Service Account

In order for Arize to send requests to the VertexAI API in your project, you must assign the Arize App Service Account that role.

Copy the following IAM permissions gcloud command to run in your GCP console:

Run the command in the GCP console:

Supported Models

  • text-bison-32k

  • text-bison


Last updated

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