Arize has first-class support for instrumenting LiteLLM. Traces are fully OpenTelemetry compatible and can be sent to any OpenTelemetry collector for viewing.

In this example we will instrument generate_content calls.

pip install openinference-instrumentation-litellm arize-otel litellm

Set up LiteLLMInstrumentor to trace your application and sends the traces to Phoenix at the endpoint defined below.

from openinference.instrumentation.litellm import LiteLLMInstrumentor
# Import open-telemetry dependencies
from arize_otel import register_otel, Endpoints

# Setup OTEL via our convenience function
    endpoints = Endpoints.ARIZE,
    space_id = "your-space-id", # in app space settings page
    api_key = "your-api-key", # in app space settings page
    project_name = "your-project-name", # name this to whatever you would like


Now, all calls by litellm are instrumented!

import litellm
    messages=[{"content": "What's the capital of China?", "role": "user"}]

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