How to Send to a Specific Model/Project and Space ID

A space in Arize allows the grouping of different model uses cases. Inside a space you can have multiple Model IDs or use cases.

The lowest level logical separation of traces in Arize is currently done by a Model ID which acts as a use case based separator of data. A model ID acts as a project to capture trace data for a specific model application.

# Import open-telemetry dependencies
from arize_otel import register_otel, Endpoints

# Setup OTEL via our convenience function.
    endpoints = Endpoints.ARIZE,
    space_id = "your-space-id", # in app space settings page
    api_key = "your-api-key", # in app space settings page
     = "your-model-id", # name this to whatever you would like

The space ID can be found in the space settings tab.

The the spaces can be added or changed at the top of the page.

The model_ID maps to a model use-case it to the models which can be selected by clicking on models in the left navigation bar.

Clicking on a model in the model use case section will enter into a project level view of the model data.

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