Filter Traces

Construct a Query in the filter bar

  1. Click on the filter bar to type, select, or use Copilot to search for a filter

  2. Construct a filter using the query syntax

  3. Press Enter to apply the filter!

You can use AI Search to automatically generate query filters! Simply use the keyword "filter" followed by your desired criteria.

Example: "Filter for LLM spans"

Syntax Guide

General Syntax

  • Format: "dimension name" = 'value'

  • Enclose the dimension in double quotes (") and the value in single quotes (').


  • Equals: "dimension_name" = 'value'

  • Not Equals: "dimension_name" != 'value'

  • Contains: "dimension_name" contains 'substring'

  • Like: "dimension_name" regexp_like 'pattern'

  • Null: "attributes.input.value" = null or "attributes.input.value" is null

  • IN: "dimension_name" IN ('value_1', 'value_2')

  • AND/OR Support: Combine multiple conditions using AND or OR.


  • = : Equals

  • != : Not equals

  • < : Less than

  • > : Greater than

  • IN : Includes


  • Regexp_Like: Use regexp_like to check if a string matches a regular expression pattern

    • Examples:

      • Match Beginning of String: "dimension_name" regexp_like '^start'

      • Match End of String: "dimension_name" regexp_like 'end$'

      • Case Insensitive Match: "dimension_name" regexp_like '(?i)pattern'

      • Basic Pattern Match: "dimension_name" regexp_like 'key_name"\s*:\s*[[^]]"value"]^]]]' (checks if the "dimension_name" column contains a key and specific value.)

  • Contains: Use contains to check if a string column contains a substring

Last updated

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