How to log your model schema for ranking models
Ranking Model Overview
There are four key ranking model use cases to consider:
Search Ranking
Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
Content Filtering Recommender Systems
Classification-Based Ranking Models
Different metrics are used for ranking model evaluation based on your model use case, score, and label availability. The case determines the available performance metrics. Click here for all valid model types and metric combinations.
Ranking Cases | Example Use Case | Expected Fields | Performance Metrics |
Model predicts score used to rank | rank, relevance score | ||
Model predicts binary actions a user can take which is used to rank | rank, relevance_labels | ||
Model predicts multiple actions a user can take which is used to rank | rank, relevance_labels (list of strings) | ||
Model can also be evaluated using AUC + LogLoss | Ranking Case 2 or 3, prediction score |
General Ranking Model Schema
Ranking models have a few unique model schema fields that help Arize effectively monitor, trace, and visualize your ranking model data.
Prediction Group ID: A subgroup of prediction data. Max 100 ranked items within each group
Rank: Unique value within each prediction group (1-100)
Relevancy Score/Label: Ground truth score/label associated with the model
Case 1: Ranking with Relevance Score
In the ranking model context, a relevance score is the numerical score used to rank items in a list. For example, the higher the relevance_score
, the more important the item is. Relevancy scores often represent probabilities of an engagement or action such as probability of a click or purchase.
and relevance_score
are required to compute rank-aware evaluation metrics on your model.
Ranking Model Fields | Data Type | Example |
rank | int from 1-100 |
relevance_score | numeric (float | int) |
prediction_group_id | string limited to 128 characters |
Code Example
Example Row
state | price | search_id | rank | relevance_score | prediction_ts |
For more details on Python Batch API Reference, visit here:
Pandas Batch LoggingCase 2: Ranking with Single Label
Since relevance_score
is required to compute rank-aware evaluation metrics, Arize uses an attribution model to create a relevance_score
based on your positive class and relevance_labels. Learn more about our attribution model here.
Ranking Model Fields | Data Type | Example |
rank | int from 1-100 |
relevance_labels | string |
prediction_group_id | string limited to 128 characters |
Code Example
Example Row
state | price | search_id | rank | actual_relevancy | prediction_ts |
For more details on Python Batch API Reference, visit here:
Pandas Batch LoggingCase 3: Ranking with Multiple Labels
In this case, each prediction on an item within a list is sent as an individual event while the possible relevance_labels can be multi-label (list) as ground truth can contain multiple events for an individual group or list.
Since relevance_score
is required to compute rank-aware evaluation metrics, Arize uses an attribution model to create a relevance_score
based on your positive class and relevance_labels. Learn more about our attribution model here.
Ranking Model Fields | Data Type | Example |
rank | int from 1-100 |
relevance_labels | list of strings |
prediction_group_id | string limited to 128 characters |
Code Example
Example Row
state | price | search_id | rank | attributions | prediction_ts |
For more details on Python Batch API Reference, visit here:
Pandas Batch LoggingRanking Single or Multi-Label + AUC and LogLoss
For ranked lists based on a prediction of the action a user can take across single or multiple possible actions. AUC and LogLoss are computed based on prediction_score
and relevance_labels (or default relevance_labels in the case of multi-label).
Ranking Model Fields | Data Type | Example |
rank | int from 1-100 |
prediction_score | float |
prediction_group_id | string limited to 128 characters |
Ranking Performance Metrics
Rank-aware evaluation metrics: NDCG @k (MAP @K & MRR coming soon)
Evaluation metrics: AUC, PR-AUC, LogLoss
Normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) is a rank-aware evaluation metric that measures a model's ability to rank query results in the order of the highest relevance (graded relevance). You can read more about how NDCG is computed here.
Selecting Relevance Score or Label - Attribution Model
A relevance score
is required to calculate rank-aware evaluation metrics. If your relevance_score
is unavailable, the Arize platform will calculate a relevance_score
using a simple attribution model with a prediction label
and a relevance label
. Arize computes a binary relevance value (0/1) based on the default positive class.
Positive class "buy" and relevance label is "buy" --> relevance will be attributed to 1.
Positive class "buy" and relevance label is else --> relevance will be attributed to 0.
Positive class "buy" and relevance labels are ["buy", "click", "scroll"] --> relevance will be attributed to
Ranking Quick Definitions
Ranking model: Assigns a rank to each item in a prediction group (also known as a batch or query), across many possible groups.
Arize supports pointwise, pairwise, and listwise ranking models
Prediction Group: A group of predictions within which items are ranked.
Example: A user of a hotel booking site types in a search term (“skiing”) and is presented with a list of results representing a single query
Rank: The predicted rank of an item in a prediction group (Integer between 1-100).
Example: Each item in the search prediction group has a rank determined by the model (i.e. Aspen is assigned rank=1, Tahoe is assigned rank=2, etc. based on input features and query features to the model)
Relevance Score (i.e. Actual Scores): The ground truth relevance score (numeric). Higher scores denote higher relevance.
Example: Each item in the search prediction group has a score determined by the action a user took on the item (i.e. “clicking” on an item indicates relevance score = 0.5, purchasing an item indicates relevance score = 1)
Rank-Aware Evaluation Metric: A rank-aware evaluation metric is an evaluation metric that gauges rank order and relevancy of predictions.
Rank-aware evaluation metrics include NDCG, MRR, and MAP. Note that MRR and MAP also require relevance_labels to be provided to be computed.
Last updated