
Batch Logging - Designed for sending batches of data to Arize


The Client$log() is designed for training, validation or production environment where batches of data are processed. These environments may be either a R Studio Notebook or a R server that is batch processing lots of backend data.

Import and initialize Arize R client from the Arize Client$new() to call Client$log() with a R data.frame() containing inference data.

Initializing Client Examples

arize_client <- Client$new(
    organization_key = ORGANIZATION_KEY, 
    api_key = API_KEY)

Parameters & Returns

schema <- create_schema(
  prediction_id_column_name = "prediction_id",
  prediction_label_column_name = "prediction_label",
  prediction_score_column_name = "prediction_score",
  actual_label_column_name = "actual_label",
  actual_score_column_name = "actual_score",
  feature_column_names = features,
  timestamp_column_name = "prediction_ts"

# send training data
  .data_frame = df_train,
  .schema = schema
  .model_id = model_id,
  .model_version = model_version,
  .model_type = model_types$SCORE_CATEGORICAL,
  .environment = environments$TRAINING,

Schema Attributes


Check out the Example Tutorial

Example 1: Logging Features, Predictions, & Actuals

model_id <- "click_through_rate_categorical_vignette_R"  # This is the model name that will show up in Arize
model_version <- "v1.0"  # Version of model - can be any string

schema <- create_schema(
  prediction_id_column_name = "id",
  feature_column_names = features,
  prediction_label_column_name = "predictions",
  prediction_score_column_name = "CTR_predicted",
  actual_label_column_name = "actuals",
  actual_score_column_name = "CTR",
  timestamp_column_name = "model_date"

  .data_frame = df_train,
  .model_id = model_id,
  .model_version = model_version,
  .model_type = model_types$SCORE_CATEGORICAL,
  .environment = environments$TRAINING,
  .schema = schema

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