Azure OpenAI

Integrate with Azure OpenAI

Add your Azure OpenAI key to begin using OpenAI models in the platform.

Note: By adding this integration, your data may be sent to your Azure OpenAI deployment for certain actions within Arize (e.g., prompt playground) and your account may be billed for usage.

Select Azure OpenAI Integration

You can find your keys in your OpenAI resource in Azure. Add either KEY 1 or KEY 2 to the modal above

Prompt Playground

To use Azure OpenAI in the prompt playground you need to fill in your

  • API Endpoint (see image above)

  • Deployment Name (see image below)

Copy the deployment name below directly into the prompt playground.

Make sure the underlying model for your deployment is compatible with the chat endpoint if you check "Use Chat" in the playground. For more information on model / endpoint compatibility see:


Last updated

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