Crate a prompt

Navigate to the Prompts in the navigation and click the add prompt button on the top right. This will navigate you to the Playground.

Compose a prompt

The playground is like the IDE where you will develop your prompt. The prompt section on the right lets you add more messages, change the template format (f-string or mustache), and an output schema (JSON mode).

To the right you can enter sample inputs for your prompt variables and run your prompt against a model. Make sure that you have an API key set for the LLM provider of your choosing.

Save the prompt

To save the prompt, click the save button in the header of the prompt on the right. Name the prompt using alpha numeric characters (e.x. `my-first-prompt`) with no spaces. The model configuration you selected in the Playground will be saved with the prompt. When you re-open the prompt, the model and configuration will be loaded along with the prompt.

Manage your prompts

You just created your first prompt in Phoenix! You can view and search for prompts by navigating to Prompts in the UI.

Adding labels and metadata

To add labels and metadata to your prompt, click the edit prompt button on the prompts table.

Last updated