LlamaIndex Workflows

How to use the python LlamaIndexInstrumentor to trace LlamaIndex Workflows

LlamaIndex Workflows are a subset of the LlamaIndex package specifically designed to support agent development.

Our LlamaIndexInstrumentor automatically captures traces for LlamaIndex Workflows agents. If you've already enabled that instrumentor, you do not need to complete the steps below.

We recommend using llama_index >= 0.11.0

Launch Phoenix

Sign up for Phoenix:

Sign up for an Arize Phoenix account at https://app.phoenix.arize.com/login

Install packages:

pip install arize-phoenix-otel

Connect your application to your cloud instance:

import os
from phoenix.otel import register

# Add Phoenix API Key for tracing
os.environ["PHOENIX_CLIENT_HEADERS"] = f"api_key={PHOENIX_API_KEY}"
os.environ["PHOENIX_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT"] = "https://app.phoenix.arize.com"

# configure the Phoenix tracer
tracer_provider = register(
  project_name="my-llm-app", # Default is 'default'

Your Phoenix API key can be found on the Keys section of your dashboard.


pip install openinference-instrumentation-llama_index


Initialize the LlamaIndexInstrumentor before your application code. This instrumentor will trace both LlamaIndex Workflows calls, as well as calls to the general LlamaIndex package.

from openinference.instrumentation.llama_index import LlamaIndexInstrumentor


Run LlamaIndex Workflows

By instrumenting LlamaIndex, spans will be created whenever an agent is invoked and will be sent to the Phoenix server for collection.


Now that you have tracing setup, all invocations of chains will be streamed to your running Phoenix for observability and evaluation.


Last updated