
Instrument multi agent applications using CrewAI

Launch Phoenix

Install packages:

pip install arize-phoenix

Launch Phoenix:

import phoenix as px

Connect your notebook to Phoenix:

from phoenix.otel import register

tracer_provider = register(
  project_name="my-llm-app", # Default is 'default'

By default, notebook instances do not have persistent storage, so your traces will disappear after the notebook is closed. See Persistence or use one of the other deployment options to retain traces.


pip install openinference-instrumentation-crewai crewai crewai-tools


Initialize the CrewAIInstrumentor before your application code.

from openinference.instrumentation.crewai import CrewAIInstrumentor


CrewAI uses Langchain under the hood. You can optionally also set up the LangChainInstrumentor to get even deeper visibility into your Crew.

from openinference.instrumentation.langchain import LangChainInstrumentor


Run CrewAI

From here, you can run CrewAI as normal

import os
from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew, Process
from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool

search_tool = SerperDevTool()

# Define your agents with roles and goals
researcher = Agent(
  role='Senior Research Analyst',
  goal='Uncover cutting-edge developments in AI and data science',
  backstory="""You work at a leading tech think tank.
  Your expertise lies in identifying emerging trends.
  You have a knack for dissecting complex data and presenting actionable insights.""",
  # You can pass an optional llm attribute specifying what model you wanna use.
  # llm=ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5", temperature=0.7),
writer = Agent(
  role='Tech Content Strategist',
  goal='Craft compelling content on tech advancements',
  backstory="""You are a renowned Content Strategist, known for your insightful and engaging articles.
  You transform complex concepts into compelling narratives.""",

# Create tasks for your agents
task1 = Task(
  description="""Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the latest advancements in AI in 2024.
  Identify key trends, breakthrough technologies, and potential industry impacts.""",
  expected_output="Full analysis report in bullet points",

task2 = Task(
  description="""Using the insights provided, develop an engaging blog
  post that highlights the most significant AI advancements.
  Your post should be informative yet accessible, catering to a tech-savvy audience.
  Make it sound cool, avoid complex words so it doesn't sound like AI.""",
  expected_output="Full blog post of at least 4 paragraphs",

# Instantiate your crew with a sequential process
crew = Crew(
  agents=[researcher, writer],
  tasks=[task1, task2],
  verbose=2, # You can set it to 1 or 2 to different logging levels
  process = Process.sequential

# Get your crew to work!
result = crew.kickoff()



Now that you have tracing setup, all calls to your Crew will be streamed to your running Phoenix for observability and evaluation.


Last updated