Quickstart: Evals

Evaluate your LLM application with Phoenix

This quickstart guide will show you through the basics of evaluating data from your LLM application.

1. Install Phoenix Evals

pip install "arize-phoenix[evals]"

2. Export Data and Launch Phoenix

Export a dataframe from your Phoenix session that contains traces from your LLM application.

If you are interested in a subset of your data, you can export with a custom query. Learn more here.

For the sake of this guide, we'll download some pre-existing trace data collected from a LlamaIndex application (in practice, this data would be collected by instrumenting your LLM application with an OpenInference-compatible tracer).

from urllib.request import urlopen
from phoenix.trace.trace_dataset import TraceDataset
from phoenix.trace.utils import json_lines_to_df

# Replace with the URL to your trace data
traces_url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/arize-assets/phoenix/datasets/unstructured/llm/context-retrieval/trace.jsonl"
with urlopen(traces_url) as response:
    lines = [line.decode("utf-8") for line in response.readlines()]
trace_ds = TraceDataset(json_lines_to_df(lines))

Then, start Phoenix to view and manage your evaluations.

import phoenix as px
session = px.launch_app(trace=trace_ds)

You should now see a view like this.

3. Evaluate and Log Results

Set up evaluators (in this case for hallucinations and Q&A correctness), run the evaluations, and log the results to visualize them in Phoenix.

!pip install openai

from phoenix.evals import OpenAIModel, HallucinationEvaluator, QAEvaluator
from phoenix.evals import run_evals
import nest_asyncio
nest_asyncio.apply()  # This is needed for concurrency in notebook environments

# Set your OpenAI API key
api_key = "your-api-key"  # Replace with your actual API key
eval_model = OpenAIModel(model="gpt-4-turbo-preview", api_key=api_key)

# Define your evaluators
hallucination_evaluator = HallucinationEvaluator(eval_model)
qa_evaluator = QAEvaluator(eval_model)

# Assume 'queries_df' is your input dataframe 
# for `hallucination_evaluator` your input df needs to have columns 'output', 'input', 'context'
# for `qa_evaluator` your input df needs to have columns 'output', 'input', 'reference'
assert all(column in queries_df.columns for column in ['output', 'input', 'context', 'reference'])

# Run the evaluators, each evaluator will return a dataframe with evaluation results
# We upload the evaluation results to Phoenix in the next step
hallucination_eval_df, qa_eval_df = run_evals(
    evaluators=[hallucination_evaluator, qa_evaluator],

# Log the evaluations
from phoenix.trace import SpanEvaluations

    SpanEvaluations(eval_name="Hallucination", dataframe=hallucination_eval_df),
    SpanEvaluations(eval_name="QA Correctness", dataframe=qa_eval_df)

This quickstart uses OpenAI and requires an OpenAI API key, but we support a wide variety of APIs and models.

Explanation of the parameters used in run_evals above:

  • dataframe - a pandas dataframe that includes the data you want to evaluate. This could be spans exported from Phoenix, or data you've brought in from elsewhere. This dataframe must include the columns expected by the evaluators you are using. To see the columns expected by each built-in evaluator, check the corresponding page in the Using Phoenix Evaluators section.

4. Analyze Your Evaluations

After logging your evaluations, open Phoenix to review your results. Inspect evaluation statistics, identify problematic spans, and explore the reasoning behind each evaluation.

print(f"🔥🐦 Open back up Phoenix in case you closed it: {session.url}")

You can view aggregate evaluation statistics, surface problematic spans, and understand the LLM's reason for each evaluation by simply reading the corresponding explanation. Phoenix seamlessly pinpoints the cause (irrelevant retrievals, incorrect parameterization of your LLM, etc.) of your LLM application's poor responses.

If you're interested in extending your evaluations to include relevance, explore our detailed Colab guide.

Now that you're set up, read through the Concepts Section to get an understanding of the different components.

If you want to learn how to accomplish a particular task, check out the How-To Guides.

Last updated