Quickstart: Datasets

Phoenix helps you run experiments over your AI and LLM applications to evaluate and iteratively improve their performance. This quickstart shows you how to get up and running quickly.

Background + demo on datasets


Launch phoenix in a notebook. If you already have phoenix server running, skip this step.

import phoenix as px



Upload a dataset.

import pandas as pd
import phoenix as px

df = pd.DataFrame(
            "question": "What is Paul Graham known for?",
            "answer": "Co-founding Y Combinator and writing on startups and techology.",
            "metadata": {"topic": "tech"},
phoenix_client = px.Client()
dataset = phoenix_client.upload_dataset(


Create a task to evaluate.

from openai import OpenAI
from phoenix.experiments.types import Example

openai_client = OpenAI()

task_prompt_template = "Answer in a few words: {question}"

def task(example: Example) -> str:
    question = example.input["question"]
    message_content = task_prompt_template.format(question=question)
    response = openai_client.chat.completions.create(
        model="gpt-4o", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": message_content}]
    return response.choices[0].message.content


Use pre-built evaluators to grade task output with code...

from phoenix.experiments.evaluators import ContainsAnyKeyword

contains_keyword = ContainsAnyKeyword(keywords=["Y Combinator", "YC"])

or LLMs.

from phoenix.experiments.evaluators import ConcisenessEvaluator
from phoenix.evals.models import OpenAIModel

model = OpenAIModel(model="gpt-4o")
conciseness = ConcisenessEvaluator(model=model)

Define custom evaluators with code...

from typing import Any, Dict

def jaccard_similarity(output: str, expected: Dict[str, Any]) -> float:
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index
    actual_words = set(output.lower().split(" "))
    expected_words = set(expected["answer"].lower().split(" "))
    words_in_common = actual_words.intersection(expected_words)
    all_words = actual_words.union(expected_words)
    return len(words_in_common) / len(all_words)

or LLMs.

from phoenix.experiments.evaluators import create_evaluator
from typing import Any, Dict

eval_prompt_template = """
Given the QUESTION and REFERENCE_ANSWER, determine whether the ANSWER is accurate.
Output only a single word (accurate or inaccurate).

QUESTION: {question}

REFERENCE_ANSWER: {reference_answer}

ANSWER: {answer}

ACCURACY (accurate / inaccurate):

@create_evaluator(kind="llm")  # need the decorator or the kind will default to "code"
def accuracy(input: Dict[str, Any], output: str, expected: Dict[str, Any]) -> float:
    message_content = eval_prompt_template.format(
        question=input["question"], reference_answer=expected["answer"], answer=output
    response = openai_client.chat.completions.create(
        model="gpt-4o", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": message_content}]
    response_message_content = response.choices[0].message.content.lower().strip()
    return 1.0 if response_message_content == "accurate" else 0.0


Run an experiment and evaluate the results.

from phoenix.experiments import run_experiment

experiment = run_experiment(
    evaluators=[jaccard_similarity, accuracy],

Run more evaluators after the fact.

from phoenix.experiments import evaluate_experiment

experiment = evaluate_experiment(experiment, evaluators=[contains_keyword, conciseness])

And iterate 🚀

Dry Run

Sometimes we may want to do a quick sanity check on the task function or the evaluators before unleashing them on the full dataset. run_experiment() and evaluate_experiment() both are equipped with a dry_run= parameter for this purpose: it executes the task and evaluators on a small subset without sending data to the Phoenix server. Setting dry_run=True selects one sample from the dataset, and setting it to a number, e.g. dry_run=3, selects multiple. The sampling is also deterministic, so you can keep re-running it for debugging purposes.

Last updated