Save and Load Traces

This documentation outlines the procedure for manually saving and subsequently loading traces within Phoenix.

Saving Traces

The initial step involves saving the traces present in a Phoenix instance to a designated location.

my_traces = px.Client().get_trace_dataset().save()

Loading Traces

To facilitate the retrieval of these saved traces, one can execute the prescribed commands upon starting Phoenix.


Note the above will save to a default phoenix trace directory, to save in another directory, use the following example below.

Create Your Own Directory Example

Illustrated below is a method for saving traces to a specified directory.

Create Directory and Save Traces

import os

# Specify and Create the Directory for Trace Dataset
directory = '/my_saved_traces'
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)

# Save the Trace Dataset
my_traces = px.Client().get_trace_dataset().save(directory=directory)

The process yields an output consisting of the Trace ID and the storage path:

💾 Trace dataset saved to under ID: f7733fda-6ad6-4427-a803-55ad2182b662

📂 Trace dataset path: /my_saved_traces/trace_dataset-f7733fda-6ad6-4427-a803-55ad2182b662.parquet

Load from Created Directory

To access and load the previously saved trace dataset, load trace dataset using unique trace UUID and the specific directory path where the trace was stored.

px.launch_app(trace=px.TraceDataset.load('f7733fda-6ad6-4427-a803-55ad2182b662', directory="/my_saved_traces/"))

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