
Explore the capabilities of Phoenix with notebooks


Application Examples

Example full-stack applications instrumented using OpenInference and observed via phoenix server instances.

LLM Traces

Trace through the execution of your LLM application to understand its internal structure and to troubleshoot issues with retrieval, tool execution, LLM calls, and more.

Datasets and Experiments

Iteratively improve your LLM task by building datasets, running experiments, and evaluating performance using code and LLM-as-a-judge.

LLM Evals

Leverage the power of large language models to evaluate your generative model or application for hallucinations, toxicity, relevance of retrieved documents, and more.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation Analysis

Visualize your generative application's retrieval process to surface failed retrievals and to find topics not addressed by your knowledge base.

Embedding Analysis

Explore lower-dimensional representations of your embedding data to identify clusters of high-drift and performance degradation.

Structured Data Analysis

Statistically analyze your structured data to perform A/B analysis, temporal drift analysis, and more.

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