
New Releases, Enhancements, Changes + Arize in the News!

What's New

File Importer - Dry Run

Streamline data ingestion feedback on an import job by quickly surfacing obvious errors without necessitating a read-through of entire files.

Note: This does not guarantee a successful import job. Learn more about data ingestion here.

File Importer - Audit Trail

Gain a transparent view of your data and easily resolve errors with the audit trail. View a ledger of files that show:

  • # of records successfully imported

  • Failed files with error messages

  • Pending imports for each job


Pagerduty Simple Install

Connect to PagerDuty using the simple install flow to reduce manually moving back and forth between platforms. This flow automatically directs you to your PagerDuty services to simplify the integration process.

Learn more about our PagerDuty integration here.

Alerting Integration Setup - Priority/Severity Setting

Categorize the severity of your alert within a model or monitor to enhance metadata and build flows specific to your use case.

Color by Confusion Matrix

Color by Confusion Matrix is now available for the UMAP point cloud to bring performance troubleshooting to Embeddings. You can now select a Positive Class and get a high-level overview of performance and drift in the UMAP visualization.

In the News

Why Machine Learning in Ad Tech Is Ready for Liftoff

Yunshi Zhao, an ML Engineer at Liftoff Mobile, details her career arc and shares best practices for deploying ML models in ad tech in this interview with Arize ML Engineer, Amber Roberts.

Introducing Claire Longo, Arize's Customer Success Lead

Ten questions with Arize's Customer Success Lead, Opendoor and Twilio alum. Learn more about Claire and her new role at Arize.

Introducing Suresh Vadakath, Arize's Senior Solutions Architect

Suresh Vadakath is a Senior Solutions Architect at Arize. He brings over a decade of experience in consulting and technical client-facing roles. Learn more about his career journey in our blog all about Suresh!

Last updated