Customize Traces
Oftentimes you want to customize various aspects of traces you log to Phoenix
Log to a specific project
Phoenix uses projects to group traces. If left unspecified, all traces are sent to a default project.
In the notebook, you can set the PHOENIX_PROJECT_NAME
environment variable before adding instrumentation or running any of your code.
In python this would look like:
Note that setting a project via an environment variable only works in a notebook and must be done BEFORE instrumentation is initialized. If you are using OpenInference Instrumentation, see the Server tab for how to set the project name in the Resource attributes.
Projects work by setting something called the Resource attributes (as seen in the Server example above). The phoenix server uses the project name attribute to group traces into the appropriate project.
Switching projects in a notebook
Typically you want traces for an LLM app to all be grouped in one project. However, while working with Phoenix inside a notebook, we provide a utility to temporarily associate spans with different projects. You can use this to trace things like evaluations.
Adding custom metadata to spans
Spans produced by auto-instrumentation can get you very far. However at some point you may want to track metadata
- things like account or user info.
With LangChain, you can provide metadata directly via the chain or to to an invocation of a chain.
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