Users have the option to run an experiment by creating an evaluator that inherits from the Evaluator(ABC) base class in the Arize Python SDK. The evaluator takes in a single dataset row as input and returns an EvaluationResult dataclass.
This is an alternative you can use if you'd prefer to use object oriented programming instead of functional programming.
Eval Class Inputs
The Eval argument values are supported below:
Parameter name
experiment run input
def eval(input): ...
experiment run output
def eval(output): ...
the entire row of the data, including every column as dictionary key
def eval(expected): ...
experiment metadata
def eval(metadata): ...
class ExampleAll(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, input, output, dataset_row, metadata, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator Using All Inputs")
class ExampleDatasetrow(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, dataset_row, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator Using dataset_row ")
class ExampleInput(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, input, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator Using Input")
class ExampleOutput(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, output, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator Using Output")
EvaluationResult Outputs
The EvaluationResult results can be a score, label, tuple (score, label, explanation) or a Class EvaluationResult
Return Type
Score, label and explanation
Score output
Label string output
class ExampleResult(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, input, output, dataset_row, metadata, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator Using All Inputs")
return(EvaluationResult(score=score, label=label, explanation=explanation)
class ExampleScore(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, input, output, dataset_row, metadata, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator Using A float")
return 1.0
class ExampleLabel(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, input, output, dataset_row, metadata, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluator label")
return "good"
Here's an example of a LLM evaluator that checks for hallucinations in the model output:
from phoenix.evals import (
from phoenix.experiments.types import EvaluationResult
from openai import OpenAIModel
class HallucinationEvaluator(Evaluator):
def evaluate(self, output, dataset_row, **kwargs) -> EvaluationResult:
print("Evaluating outputs")
expected_output = dataset_row["attributes.llm.output_messages"]
# Create a DataFrame with the actual and expected outputs
df_in = pd.DataFrame(
{"selected_output": output, "expected_output": expected_output}, index=[0]
# Run the LLM classification
expect_df = llm_classify(
model=OpenAIModel(model="gpt-4o-mini", api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY),
label = expect_df["label"][0]
score = 1 if label == rails[1] else 0 # Score 1 if output is incorrect
explanation = expect_df["explanation"][0]
# Return the evaluation result
return EvaluationResult(score=score, label=label, explanation=explanation)
In this example, the HallucinationEvaluator class evaluates whether the output of an experiment contains hallucinations by comparing it to the expected output using an LLM. The llm_classify function runs the eval, and the evaluator returns an EvaluationResult that includes a score, label, and explanation.